Several successful movies in several languages followed, among them Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi. The film fared very well at the box office. Recently, Prashanth has filed a petition in court to allow him to see his new born baby.Īt the age of 17, he made his debut in 1990, in Vaigasi Poranthachu. He has also made allegations about his wife’s drinking habits. Including her sister in law’s relationship with Ajith’s brother. Since then she appeared in more than 300 films including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi films. After few years as a child artist she made her debut in lead role with Tamil film Munthanai Mudichchu in 1983.
She made her acting debut as a child artist when she was just 10 years old through Malayalam movie Kathirmandapam in 1979. Prasanth had given 29 complaints about his wife Grihalakshmi. Urvashi was born on 18th September 1968 in Trivandrum, Kerala. Prashanth has filed a divorce petition in court. Prashanth was studying 11th standard at Madras Christian College Higher Secondary School Prashanthwhen he joined filmdom.
Prashanth studied Computer Graphics and Multimedia and went to Trinity College of Music in London before embarking on an acting career. He has a sister, Preeti, and got married to Grihalakshmi on September 1, 2005.
Prashanth, born in Chennai, India, to Thiyagarajan, an actor and director, and his wife Shanti. Family: Thiagarajan-Father, Shanthi Thiagarajan-Mother Preethi- sisterĪwards: Kalaimamani award from Government of Tamilnadu, Best New Appearance award of year in 1990 from Cinema Express and Best actor award of year in 1998 from Roja Magazine